WHAT YOU Wanted To Know?

WHAT YOU Wanted To Know?
Or is it "Whatyouwabtedtoknow? (typo title version)

Tuesday, June 28, 2016

Government Grew Greatly But USA Not As Great As Formerly

Is President Barack Obama a GOOD POTUS or a BAD one? This seemingly depends on to whom one listens, upbringing as to what is success,etc.

Apparently, success is getting items like Project 1794 released from tons of soon-to-be-declassified files.
This appears to be the only "TRANSPARENCY" that voters will ever get since reporters have complained at length since Jan 21, 2009 about secret meetings, not being told what is going on, lack of press releases,etc.

Yes, we can - WE CAN easily find out about the September 2012, making public of the report called—"Project 1794 Final Development Summary Report 2 April—30 May 1956"

The one who found it? Michael Rhodes, a technician at the National Declassification Center (NDC) in College Park, Md.

Avro Canada hired John "Jack" Frost in 1947, to head a program to develop a supersonic aircraft called the Avro Arrow. The saucer was to travel at Mach 4 with "a ceiling of over 100,000 feet and a maximum range . . . of about 1000 nautical miles."

The project had maximum security precautions and it later came out from Soviet- era notes of a KGB major named Vasili Mitrokhin that a spy did operate at the Avro facility, searching to infiltrate the Arrow program. Campagna says the Royal Canadian Mounted Police (RCMP) discovered the spy's identity but never disclosed the name.
Doomed to failure from inefficient use of its jet engines, for its the multimillion-dollar investment, the U.S. military kept the two Avrocar prototypes with one stored, disassembled in crates, at Joint Base Langley-Eustis in Virginia under the custody of the U.S. Army Transportation Museum. 
And what of the other one? In 2007, the National Museum of the U.S. Air Force at Wright- Patterson Air Force Base requested that the Smithsonian's AVRO be swapped so the U.S. Air Force flew the prototype from Washington, D.C., to Wright-Patterson in a C-5 Galaxy transport plane, trucked it to the museum, where a restoration team fabricated pilot canopy bubbles, crafted seats, and touched up the rusted areas. In 2008, the almost forgotten Avrocar was placed on display for the world to see.
But WHAT is the OBAMANATION in this?
The fact of the matter is that all the old records are being gone over and are likely to reveal TOP SECRET INFORMATION to prying SPYING EYEBALLS!
******And while potentially DANGEROUS, this whole "ball of wax" of DECLASSIFYING TOP SECRET DOCUMENTS is expensive.******

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